Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Watch for updates from Dana!


Trish's campaign letter:

Since October 2007 my sister Dana, has been through a turmoil of information and emotions. This is just the beginning.

For 4 yrs now she has battled illness causing drastic weight loss, and low immune system. She's been on a roller coaster with her health. Finally, she seemed to have gotten under control, what appeared to be Candida. After carefully limiting yeasts, carbs and sugars, she was back at a healthy weight and feeling better than in a long time.

The cycle began again. Within a matter of months her weight plummeted 30+ pounds to a level that left many inquiring after her health, and again came an onset of infections.

While in a walk-in clinic for bronchitis, she mentioned to the doctor the concern about her weight loss, and low immune system, as well as her observations of being dehydrated most of the time, and that she thinks she needs new glasses. This brought about a bunch of bloodwork, which showed blood sugar levels through the roof, then more bloodwork... She's seen many different doctor's and gotten many mixed messages about her treatment, but the one thing they all agree on: she has Type 1 Diabetes, and she has suffered some level of permanent kidney damage.

Dana's been carefully following doctor's orders regarding nutrition (carb-counting), blood glucose monitoring and insulin, yet still her sugar levels have not stabilized. In January she had two seizures one morning after her blood sugars suddenly dropped. They are now exploring the possibility of Celiac disease, as Dana doesn't seem to be able to absorb carbs properly.

It is uncommon to be diagnosed Type 1 outside of childhood. My sister is 30. It has been quite an ordeal on the journey so far, but she is now on her way to a healthier life, with many, many lifestyle changes ahead and a great deal of learning in store. I can't be with her thousands of kilometers away, but I can do something that will have an impact on the life of my sister, my grandfather and the many other millions of people with Diabetes in Canada.

Two years ago my grandfather was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. When I started running, and considering the possibility of one day running a marathon, I decided when the time came it would be for a worthy cause like supporting the Canadian Diabetes Association.

A little sooner than I'd anticipated, the time has come. And, yes I do know I'm a little crazy. ;)

I have joined Team Diabetes, a team of people from across Canada who will be crossing the finish line together and who have raised funds to support the more than 2 million Canadians living with diabetes. I will be on the course of the Marathon - Dublin, Ireland - Oct25/2008. (This will be my first marathon ever!)

It takes dedication to be part of Team Diabetes, but I am committed to making a big difference in my life, and in the fight against type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

One of the greatest contributions of the Canadian Diabetes Association is toward outstanding Canadian research. But that is not all the Association does - it runs camps for young people with diabetes and provides education and special services to people affected by diabetes in communities across Canada.

As I run the course, you will be with me in spirit and your support will help me be strong all the way to the finish line. A donation for each kilometer is suggested, but whatever you can contribute matters - it all adds up!

If you want to support my mission, the easiest method is to
click or go to and Pledge Participant: Trish McCourt of Halifax for Dublin 2008.

To donate "offline", you can make a pledge on my pledge form and donate by cash, credit card or cheque. Cheques can be made out to the Canadian Diabetes Association.

Thank you so much for your generosity!

Trish McCourt

PS - Watch for updates on an exciting project I'm starting in sync with this campaign. You'll soon be able to watch my progress with Team Diabetes, and my personal journey toward healthy active living,
on my website !

Trish McCourt
Halifax, NS

Help me support my sister and other Canadians like her!
Support my mission with Team Diabetes and get your 2008 tax deductible receipt! Please click